Thursday, 31 March 2011

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

evaluation question 4 by Lewis Lavery
evaluation question 4, a photo by Lewis Lavery on Flickr.

Click on the image for analysis on Flickr.

Web 2.0 allowed me to do all of this, working on web 1.0 would have had limitations, and would not have enabled my blog to exist and look as good as it does. Web 1.0 was mainly used to find out information, and to search for things, the content was already there. But Web 2.0 completely changed things and the world suddenly became connected through the internet. It changed from being something that was used to find out information, to something that was used to create online sites. People could now create the content and information themselves, and see everone elses work. Sites like 'wikipedia' and 'youtube' are prime examples of this idea, and they would not exist if it wern't for the users that update and upload the websites. If I hadn't had access to the internet then I would have probably had to evaluate my work by doing an essay on it. I feel strongly that this wouldn't work as well as my blog does, because to fully understand and see what I have done, a visual representation is needed, this allows anyone who is reading it to see exactly what went on, rather than making their own assessments and judgments by reading an essay. Technology has evolved, and therefore so has the ways in which things are evaluated.

1 comment:

  1. Your Flickr analysis is a good start. Please learn how to use apostrophes - they are not used in plurals.

    What you need now is some evaluation on using all of these technologies in terms of the ways they helped you at each stage of your project - research and planning, production, and evaluation. Note that this is what the question is asking you. To do this consider the different ways that you could have worked all would have worked if the Internet and these web two applications were not available. For example to evaluate your work you would have probably written an essay. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this more technological way evaluation compared to the more traditional essay approach?
