Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Target Audience research and analysis.

This chart shows the most popular genre of horror among out target audience, this is vital to the success of our trailer, because we need it to fit in with the genre that people from the ages of 18 - 25 watch. The results show that Psychological was the most popular genre, closely followed by Gore, therefore we have based our trailer around these Genres. I believe that our trailer will work in our demographic due to this.

This graph shows how regularly our target audience actually watch a horror film. Once a month was the most common, by almost half, so this will help decide when our trailer should be released, for example at the beginning of the Month, and possibly when no other horror trailers are coming out. 

This chart shows us the amount of people from each sex that took part in our survey, it shew that more Girls answered it, which means that our target audience includes more Women than Men, this will help us in making the trailer, so aim it slightly more at Women, which should make the trailer itself more successful. 

This graph shows the most and least common ages of the people that took our survey, 16 - 18 was the most common age gap. This will aid us when we come to decide what rating to make our trailer.

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