Thursday 11 November 2010

This trailer begins with an interesting ticking sound, this represents the sound of a bomb that's about to go off, this noise is used to attract fans of the previous film, because being a sequel it will already have a fan base who knows the plot, which is that a nuclear bomb went off some time ago, contaminating the area, causing the people to mutate and in terms of narrative 'become the monsters'. So they instantly know that it will be the same monsters that were in the last film. As writing appears on the screen we hear what almost sounds like a knife cutting skin, almost representing as if the writing is being carved into the screen. We can instantly see what sub genre this horror is because it gets straight into the gory scenes, making it 'torture porn'. Typical of horror trailers we hear the question "where is everybody?" this makes it conventional and makes the audience want to watch the film to find out the answer. After this the stereotypical conventional heartbeat sound effect comes in, I will be using this in my trailer because it simply works, regardless of what horror film it is.

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