Thursday 23 September 2010

Horror Trailer. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.

This trailer,demonstrated many techniques that are conventional of horror trailers. There is a shot of a back lit staircase in this trailer, connoting , the path way to hell and venturing into the unknown, which I would like to use in my trailer, because it's a great shot that works regardless of the story. I'm also a huge fan of the soundtrack in this trailer, it uses "mockingbird" and "amazing grace", two very old and classic songs, this sets a certain mood that instantly attracts the target audience to the trailer, I will be using this type of soundtrack in my trailer, to give it that creepy feel, that puts the audience on edge. I also love how at the beginning of the trailer the shots are fading nicely along to the beat of the song "mockingbird", but then towards the end when the heart beats come in, the cuts become more abrupt. I think the best bit in the trailer is the creepy noises that sound almost like a creaking door, I think this techniques is very effective in creating the sense of horror. Perhaps the most convention technique we see is where the question, "where are you taking us?", is asked in this trailer, because it sets the mood and due to the question not being answered, it leaves the target audience on the edge of there seat, where they are at the point that they simply must know what happens!

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